Lion at the Crossroads – Orders of Luxembourg

Lion at the Crossroads – Orders of Luxembourg

(ISBN 978-952-93-2973-1 and 978-1493605224 (US Edition))

  • 206 pages, softcover in English with a short abstract in Finnish.
  • 136 large format images of Orders insignia, cases, documents, recipients, etc.
  • All four Luxembourgish Orders described, with measurements, details, types, award details and more
  • A short history of Luxembourg
  • Biographies of Grand Duke Adolph & Grand Duchess Charlotte
  • Biographies of two knights of Luxembourgish Orders
  • Hierarchy and timeline of Luxembourgish Orders
  • An appendix with award statistics

Published in 2013 (both EU and US Editions).

European edition is sold through the following vendors:
Michael Autengruber
Tallinn Museum of Orders of Knighthood

and the US Edition through the Amazon network and their partners around the world: